Queso Néboa Gandería Quintián 650g


Queso Néboa Gandería Quintián 650g  is a gourmet product handmade at Gandería Quintián in the rural village of Quintián (Municipality of O Páramo, Lugo).

A world-renowned gourmet cheese that is created with passion and expertise, offering a unique gastronomic experience that captivates the most demanding cheesemongering palates.

This is a soft gourmet cheese made from raw cow’s milk. It is characterised by its hints of damp earth, mushrooms and notes of cream. Mouldy and velvety rind, 100% natural and edible. Creamy texture. Typology: Brie cheese. A cheese with character, ideal for food pairing.

Silver medal awarded at the World Cheese Awards 2023.

Gourmet gastronomic product from Lugo.

Discover Agarimo Cheese, and remember the taste of a cheese of yesteryear.

We suggest combining both cheeses with the Capackzo Quintián Gourmet.

En tu casa en 24h - 48h
Queso Néboa Gandería Quintián 650g