Ribada Selección Godello


Ribada Selección Godello is a wine from Lugo produced at Bodega Ribada located in San Fiz (Chantada, Lugo).

Young white wine D.O Ribeira Sacra.

Godello grape variety 100%.

The vineyards of the Bodega Ribada winery are cultivated in stairways, with slopes of up to 80%. These vineyards are classified as “mountain” vineyards. The work is manual, every task in the vineyard has to be done by hand because mechanisation is impossible.

Alcoholic content 13.5% vol.

Bordeaux bottle 75cl.

Gourmet gastronomic product from Lugo.

Discover Ribada Selección Mencía Rosado and let yourself be conquered by its freshness and sophistication.

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Ribada Selección Godello